Gurus East 2011

So this is a bit last minute. Originally I didn’t think I was going to be able to make it to Louisville for the Gurus East conference in a couple weeks, but my schedule has changed and it looks like I’ll be heading up to help with a couple of the breakouts once again. I’m looking forward to it because I’ll also be joining my good friends Scott Ragsdale and Mike Sessler at the conference. As always, Gurus is free to attend, but they request that you register.
We’re still finalizing details, but for the main breakout I’m doing it looks like I’ll be partnering with Scott Ragsdale from Willow Creek to do some actual mixing demonstrations. It looks like we’re going to be in the main room at the Block and take Southeast Christian’s VENUE, d&b rig, and a healthy dose of virtual soundcheck to demonstrate some actual techniques we use when we’re mixing every week.
So here’s where you come in whether you’re attending or not. I want to know what are some things you’d like to see demonstrated. These can be basic or advanced. For example, maybe things like parallel compression, vocal processing, mixing drums, using effects, basic compression, multiband compression, etc, etc. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a technique, though, it could also be more related to audio fundamentals like a demonstration of phase and comb-filtering or maybe masking. The one caveat I will give you, though, is that techniques need to be platform neutral. Parallel compression, for example, is easy to do on the VENUE, but it’s a technique that can be employed on just about any mixing console that has a couple of extra busses.
So if you were sitting in our breakout, what would you like to see demonstrated and explained so that you can go be equipped to go back to your church with some new stuff to try? Add your ideas to the comments.
Dave, I think it would be helpful to see/hear how you guys approach EQ/comp/FX on things…how do you get the inputs to sound like you want them to sound in the overall picture of a song. I’d also love to see a demo of Smaart – how it works, how to use it, etc.
I’d like to see how you mix your drums and the parallel compression you use on vocals and drums. I can’t make it but maybe there will be a bootleg copy 🙂
I second the SMAART demo, I’d love to see that in action. Also, a demo of how you use parallel compression and group compression. I’ve tried them but have yet to find a good “purpose” for it. Would love to see your example of it.