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Gain Staging Livestream Q&A – May 30, 2024

Gain Staging Livestream Q&A – May 30, 2024

Next Thursday, May 30, I’ll be doing a livestream at 1pm EDT over on my YouTube channel to answer questions...

State of the Mix 2023: Live Vocal Chain

I had some questions on social media about my live vocal chain so I put together a video walking through...

Is a Stereo Guitar Actually Stereo?

I put together a little video late last year on stereo guitars to demonstrate what a “true” stereo guitar sounds...

Making Sense of Dolby Atmos Channels

I have a new video on my journey into Dolby Atmos up today.

Pumping & Breathing

I’ve got a new video up about compression artifacts. You can check it out here:

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