Around a Table & Support

I’ve got a couple of quick things I’m starting up that I wanted to let you guys know about.
First up is something I’m going to call the Going to 11 Round Table.
When I was on staff at production companies and North Point, I was never alone. There were always other engineers around, and we’d often be talking with each other about techniques or new gear we’d found or just dealing with a challenging situation or environment.
Most churches don’t have this luxury, though. They have a small number of staff and/or volunteers around, and I’ve learned firsthand that a lot of them are often forced to just make things up as they can in order to survive.
The best things I’ve learned have come by learning from and with other engineers, though, which is part of why I travel a lot to train audio staff and volunteers. I’m looking for ways to expand this a bit, though, so I’m going to try creating another venue that might make finding community a little easier with the Round Table.
So what is the Round Table?
Basically, I’m going to set up a video conference where you can join in on to talk audio and music and church audio production. Maybe it’ll turn out to be just me sitting around talking to myself, or maybe some of you will come and join me. It might be a one time thing, or it might turn into something regular. I’m just going to start doing it and see if it evolves into something.
The first one I’m going to try will be next Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 2pm EDT. It’ll probably go at least an hour, but maybe it’ll go longer. If you’d like to attend, just get me your email through the Contact page or in a comment here(nobody else will see it). I’ll email a link out to get in on the day of it. If you forget to sign up or email me, I’ll probably put the link out on social media as well, but only if there’s room for more people.
It’s hard to have a discussion if you have too many people, so when we hit 10-15 people I’m going to lock the room. So if you want to check this out, your best bet is going to be to sign up because the emailed link will go out before I post on social media.
If that time doesn’t work for you, please let me know what does work in the comments section for this article.
The other thing I’ve done is set up a page on Patreon. If you’re not familiar with Patreon, it’s basically a way to support content creators directly by pledging support. I’ve been publishing articles on Going to 11 since 2005, and I plan to continue doing so. However, as an independent engineer and entrepreneur these days, keeping this stuff going takes time and resources. So if you feel inclined to help support things, you can sign up at Patreon to support content. I have a few tiers right now with a few different perks that might interest you, or you can simply support things with a pledge of your choosing. Some of these may change over time and expand. For example, future video content will likely be released to Patreon supporters first.
If you’d like to find out more and begin supporting Goingto11.com, you can visit my Patreon page by clicking HERE.