It’s the end…
![IMG_9662.jpg IMG 9662](http://www.goingto11.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/IMG_9662.jpg)
…of the year. Sorry, was that too clickbaity? I always wanted to do something clickbaity, but I don’t feel like I’m very good at writing that kind of stuff. So if that was clickbaity, I feel bad on the one hand because “clickbait”, but it’s also kind of a small victory for me.
Anyway, I’m sitting here in my office watching what will hopefully be the only token snowfall we get in Atlanta this year, and all I’m thinking about is how much warmer it’s going to be next week when I head back to Florida to once again help my friends at Christ Fellowship with their Christmas services. This will be my third year helping them out and even without the weather to think about, I’m looking forward to it. Next week will be some rehearsal stuff, and then the following week is the “big show”.
I’m not sure how much more I’ll be writing this year because it’s the end of the year, and I don’t want to start anything new unless it should also happen to related to the end of the year. So perhaps an article or two relating to my Christmas experiences will happen, but I’m not making promises. If you want to keep up with what I’m up to, though, Instagram is a good place to find me.
And that’s the thing about the end of the year. It’s the end. I don’t know about you, but I just kind of want to wrap it up so I can get going in the new year because I’m looking forward to getting around to visit some new places in the New Year to help more churches take their game to the next level. I still have dates open in the first and second quarter of the year, too, so if you’d like get on my calendar for a visit, please drop me a line via the contact page on my website. If you’re too busy dealing with Christmas to do that right now, that’s OK. The page will still be there in January.
And speaking of Christmas, let me throw something out there. This is a season that can get pretty crazy in the world of church production. So just remember this: the people who are coming to your services just want something nice. That’s all. They don’t really care about big and flash and pyro and lasers. They just want something nice, although, I wish they would at least care about pyro because EVERYONE should care about pyro.
This might sting a bit, but people don’t really care about what we’re doing for our Christmas services.
Sorry, but that’s the reality.
They just want to go to something nice that’s done well that they can attend with their families, and the emphasis on everyone’s mind is THEIR FAMILY. Not us. I’ve had a few Christmas Eve’s in the last ten years where I actually got to attend a service instead of work, and I don’t remember anything about them aside from the fact I was there with my family. Those services were all well done, but I only know that because my friends were in the crews and they were pro’s. I don’t remember anything they actually did, though. I just remember sitting next to my family, and, honestly, that’s the only memory I need of them.
So try not to stress out this Christmas. Just like everyone else, you only get so many of these in your lifetime, and I speak from experience when I say it is absolutely not worth stressing about. Be cool and just do something nice and do it well. People will remember that much more than the zip-line and the snow machines and the marching band and the chorus line. And YOU will probably feel better going into the new year as well.
Enjoy the time with your team and your family and your friends because this Christmas only happens once.