A Sacred Gathering

I know this is short notice, but it’s been a short lead up for us as well. This Friday evening North Point will be having a night of worship and communion. Basically this means we’re going to do a lot of music with communion in there somewhere. I know that once you get involved in ministry, it can be difficult sometimes to get your batteries recharged and events like these have been great for me in the past. So I just want to invite everyone to come out if you’d like. I know a lot of you are all over the country, and it’s not really feasible, but if you’re in the southeast within driving distance and are looking for a way to spend your Friday evening please feel free to visit if you’d like. The program starts at 8pm, but I would recommend arriving early. You can find directions at the North Point website: www.northpoint.org.
I’m very excited about the night. It’s not often we get to do this much music in one stretch so it should be an interesting night. I’m also very excited about it because I’ve got a bunch of extra Neumann KMS105’s to use for the night thanks to Sennheiser, and I LOVE those mics.
If you do plan to attend, please let me know.