
Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

RF Good Times

On Thursday night Mike Sessler of ChurchTechArts.org, Jason Cole of Production Nuts, and myself are going to host a TokBox session on wireless mics and the madness that’s going on right now with the 700 MHz band and DTV transition. My guess is it will be part informational, but mostly a support group for RF mic users. We’ll try and debunk some rumors and create some new ones in the process. We’re going to get started at 10pm Eastern so if you’re on the eastern half of the US, you can still watch the Office and 30 Rock.

I don’t know exactly how it’s going to work, but if you want to be a part of the whole thing, check back here on Thursday and I’ll try and get more info up on how to take part or check Mike’s and Jason’s blogs. If you do join in, I would recommend that you use a pair of headphones for listening because it’s my understanding that feedback loops are easy to create with TokBox especially when you have a lot of people.

See you Thursday.

David Stagl

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