A borderline blatant publicity post…
OK, so this is going to be more praise for the Venue. If you’ve been reading these posts, maybe this is starting to get borderline sad. But I can’t help it, I don’t remember the last time I was as excited about a piece of audio equipment as I am about this console.
So today I got Digidesign’s promo DVD in the mail. Back when I used to pay the mortgage as a Pro Tools editor, I learned that Digi’s marketing pieces often have some cool tips and tricks so whenever they put something out I order it. I knew Robert Scovill(Tom Petty, Matchbox 20, Rush) played a big part in the thing so I thought maybe I could grab some tips from him and how he’s setting things up.
Well, I’m stoked about this DVD. There is a bunch of your typical marketing stuff, but there are some great tutorials for the console here. And these aren’t just little “here’s a couple features” movies. These are full in-depth how-to’s. This is my new console training guide. And Robert Scovill walks through all of these using a Tom Petty setup which is awesome to me.
The DVD is free from Digidesign so if you’re curious about the console go over and order it. The only downside to me is that it’s version 1.1 of the software so it’s missing all of the awesome snapshot upgrades they added with v2.0. Snapshots were great before, but some of the stuff they changed made it seem like an entirely new feature in some ways.