
Posts by David Stagl

Deadly Bands of Destruction: Part 2

McDSP MC2000 This time out I’m going to get into a specific application for multiband compressors in mixing, but I...

Deadly Bands of Destruction: Part 1

McDSP ML4000 So I’ve admittedly had an on-again/off-again relationship with the multiband compressor. I searched through my archives and while...

Quick Housekeeping Update

Quick Housekeeping Update

I want to do a little housekeeping today with a quick update on my world because I feel like the...

Friday Quote of the Week

Friday Quote of the Week

To me, personally, mixing has very little to do with the actual console. It has everything to do with your...

Bells and Whistles

TOA RXA-212 So I’ve been thinking a bit about our class at Guru’s in Chicago and how more and more...

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