
System Optimization

Year of the System: The Week – Conclusion

I’m not a fan of removing our Venue’s FOH rack from the rack where it’s mounted. This is because there...

Year of the System: The Week – Tuesday

Tuesday got off to a good start. We were feeling pretty good since everything was ready to go back in...

Year of the System: The Week – Monday

The photo here is just one of the many components we recently retired from the main loudspeakers in the east...

Year of the System:  Lost in Translation or How I Started Looking for the X Curve

Year of the System: Lost in Translation or How I Started Looking for the X Curve

So here’s one for the rest of you system optimization junkies like me. I’m trying to solve a dilemma so...

Line Array Games

I had an interesting Tuesday last week with a rare day spent down at Buckhead. In keeping with my system...

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